Types of Frequently Abused Drugs


Substances with similar working power. There are natural, synthetic and semisynthetic. Opioida naturally derived from the sap of the opium poppy (opiates), such as morphine, opium, and codeine. Opioida synthetic example, is meperidine, methadone, fentanyl (china white). Opioida semi synthetic example, is heroin / heroin, hidromorfin.

Potential relief of pain (and addictive) heroin 10 times the strength of morphine, while synthetic opioida 400 times the strength of morphine. And are often abused is heroin.

How to use: injected into the blood vessels, or inhaled through the nose after being burned. Short-term effects: loss of pain, reduced tension, a sense of comfort (eforik) followed by feeling like a dream and drowsiness. Long-term effects: dependence (withdrawal symptoms, tolerance) and died of an overdose. And complications can arise: constipation, menstrual disorders, impotence. Due to the use of non-sterile needles arise abscesses, and infected with hepatitis B / C liver damage, or diseases that impair the immune AIDS, so susceptible to infections and cause death.


 Marijuana contains THC (Tetrahydro-cannabinol) that are psychoactive. Cannabis is usually used in the form of dried plants are chopped, rolled, and lit like a cigarette. In law, including narcotics marijuana group l, and is strictly prohibited planted, used, distributed, and sold. Marijuana is a gateway to other drug types and the most widely used in Indonesia.

immediately after use: anxious, excited, a lot of talking, giggling, hallucinations, and changes in feelings of time (long mistaken for a minute) and space (much mistaken close), increased heart rate, bloodshot eyes, dry mouth and throat, and increased appetite. Long-term effects: decreased intellect, motivation down, attention to surroundings is reduced, the body's resistance to infection decreases, reduced fertility, airway inflammation, reduced blood flow to the heart, and changes in brain cells.

Cocaine (cocaine, crack, coca leaf, coca paste) 
Derived from the coca plant, classified as a stimulant (increases activity of the brain and other organs function). According to the law, including drug cocaine group l. Form of white crystals. Street name coca, happy dust, Charlie, srepet, snow / snow white.

Used by aspirated through the nose, smoked and injected. Quickly lead to dependence. Immediately after use: increased confidence, talkativeness, increased fatigue, visual and tactile hallucinations (like bugs are crawling), suspicion, suspicious (paranuod) and subordinate greatness. Long-term effects: malnutrition, anemia, healthier lives damaged / holes, and psychotic mental disorders.

Amphetamines groups: amphetamines, ecstasy, methamphetamineIncluding stimulation of the central nervous system, also called the upper. Amphetamines are often used for weight loss because it reduces hunger. Also reduce sleepiness. Quickly lead to dependence.

Including amphetamine group are MDMA (Ecstasy, XTC, ineks) and methamphetamine (shabu), which is widely abused. Shaped colorful pills (ecstasy) or white crystal (methamphetamine). So-called designer drug because it was made in a dark laboratory, which abortion is various types of substances.

How to use: drink (ecstasy), inhaled through the nose using a straw (shabu), or injected. Short-term effects: not sleeping, feeling carefree, soaring feeling (fly), a sense of comfort, and increase intimacy. However, after it emerged a bad taste, moody, loss of appetite, sweating, thirst, jaw stiffness and twitching, body trembling, heart palpitations, and increased blood pressure. Long-term effects: malnutrition, anemia, heart disease, and mental disorders (psychotic), cerebral blood vessels may rupture, thus experiencing stroke, or heart failure, resulting in death.


Contained in the liquor, the different levels of ethanol. A group of liquor yield 1-5% ethanol (beer, liquor), class B-grade ethanol 5-20% (range of wine styles), class C 20-45% (vodka, rum, gin, Manson House, TKW) .

Alcohol suppress the brain (depresansia). Upon ingestion, alcohol is absorbed by the body and into the blood vessels. Alcohol causes drunk, stagger, slurred speech, violent or destructive acts, inability to learn and remember. Long-term use: liver damage, gastric lymph nodes, peripheral nerve, brain, heart problems, increased risk of cancer, and birth defects of an alcoholic mother.

 Example: ASID diethylamide (LSD), which causes hallucinations (imaginary). Including Psychotropic class l very high addictive potential, often called acid, red dragon, blue heaven, sugar cubes, trips, and tabs. Shaped like a small paper boxes for a quarter-sized stamps in many colors and images, and a capsule or pill form. How to use is to put LSD on the tongue.

The influence of LSD are unpredictable. Sensations and feelings changed dramatically, experiencing flashbacks or bad trips (hallucination / vision pseudo) repeatedly without any prior warning. dilated pupils, can not Todur, lost appetite, increased body temperature, sweating, pulse rate and blood pressure rise, impaired muscular coordination, and tremors. Damage the brain cells, impaired memory and concentration of attention, increased risk of seizures, respiratory failure and corn.

And sedative hypnotics (tranquilizers and sleeping pills)Example: Lexo, DUM, Nipam, BK pills, Mg, Rohyp. Used in the treatment with supervision, with a doctor's prescription. Influence: suppress the activity of the brain and other organs (depressant), if taken with alcohol, to increase their influence, so it can lead to death. Immediately after use: a sense of calm and relaxes muscles. At doses greater: speech disorders (pelo), impaired perception, coma, and death. Jangkla usage length: dependency.

Inhalants and solvents

 Volatile solvents and gases in the form of organic compounds for a variety of household, workshop, office and industrial. Example: thinner, acetone, glue, aerosol spray and gasoline. Often used with inhaled way (ngelem). This is very dangerous, because once inhaled, go immediately into the blood and enter the brain. Can result in sudden death, because the brain is deprived of oxygen, or because of illusion, hallucination, and false perceptions (feel could fly so die when jumping off high places).

Long-term effects: damage to the brain, lungs, kidneys, bone marrow, and heart.


 Present in tobacco (including stimulants). In addition to nicotine, tobacco contains harmful tar and carbon monoxide, as well as other substances, entirely no less than 4,000 compounds. Cause lung cancer, blood vessel constriction, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Survey shows, smoking in children / adolescents is a gateway to other drug use.

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